2017年4月26日 星期三

台北101 Taipei 101

台北101TAIPEI 101[6])是位於臺灣臺北市信義區商用摩天大樓,樓高509.2公尺(1,671英尺),地上樓層共有101層、另有地下5層,總樓地板面積37萬4千平方公尺,由李祖原聯合建築師事務所設計,KTRT團隊、韓國三星物產[7][8][4][5][9][10][11][12][來源可靠?]等承造,於1999年動工,2004年12月31日完工啟用;最初名稱為台北國際金融中心Taipei World Financial Center),2003年改為現名,亦俗稱為101大樓[13]。興建與經營機構為台北金融大樓公司。其為臺灣第一高樓,曾於2004年12月31日至2010年1月4日間擁有世界第一高樓的紀錄,目前為世界第九高樓[6]以及環地震帶最高建築物,完工以來即成為臺北重要地標之一。此外,大樓內擁有全球第二大的阻尼器(僅次上海中心大廈)、全球唯二開放遊客觀賞的巨型阻尼器(另一個為上海中心之「上海慧眼」),以及全球起降速度第四快的電梯,僅次於廣州周大福金融中心上海中心大廈哈里發塔
Taipei 101  – stylized as TAIPEI 101[1] and formerly known as the Taipei World Financial Center – is a landmark supertall skyscraper in Xinyi DistrictTaipeiRepublic of China. The building was officially classified as the world's tallest in 2004, and remained such until the completion of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2009. In 2011, the building was awarded the LEED platinum certification, the highest award according to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system, and became the tallest and largest green building in the world.[11][12] It used to have the fastest elevator in the world, traveling at 60.6 km/h and transporting passengers from the 5th to 89th floor in 37 seconds.[13] In 2016, the title for the fastest elevator was given to one in Shanghai Tower.[14]
Construction on the 101-story tower started in 1999 and finished in 2004. The tower has served as an icon of modern Taiwan ever since its opening. The building was architecturally created as a symbol of the evolution of technology and Asian tradition. Its postmodernist approach to style incorporates traditional design elements and gives them modern treatments. The tower is designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes. A multi-level shopping mall adjoining the tower houses hundreds of stores, restaurants and clubs. Fireworks launched from Taipei 101 feature prominently in international New Year's Eve broadcasts and the structure appears frequently in travel literature and international media.
Taipei 101 is owned by Taipei Financial Center Corporation. The name that was originally planned for the building, Taipei World Financial Center, until 2003, was derived from the name of the owner.
Taipei 101. (2017, July 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
07:10, July 9, 2017
, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Taipei_101&oldid=788568729
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝
台北101 Taipei 101//Steven拍攝